1/5/25 New Self Honesty: The Key to New Beginnings and How To Thrive in 2025

Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-21
Preacher: Elder Randy Jackson, Sr.

  1. ​​The Key to new Beginnings is New self Honesty
  2. Without honesty and truthfulness with the Holy Spirit and God there is not are Beginnings and thriving
  3. ​​New self honesty is not natural Gens 3:9-13, Matt 7:1-5
  4. Dishonesty is the natural inclination of all mankind
  5. New self Honesty is a work of the Holy Spirit 1 Peter 1:22
  6. ​​If you can’t self evaluate and self critique you are incapable of change and you’re incapable of growth
  7. Where do I begin to be Honest?
  8. ​​What you are looking for the most lies in the area where you are least willing to look
  9. What I am Avoiding?
  10. Normally its what you are fearing most
  11. What are you afraid of?
  12. Thats the area of the new beginnings
  13. Be honest with yourself. ​​That is the area God desires you to thrive in 2025
  14. Gods desires honesty not perfection
  15. ​​The idea of perfection undermines new self honesty
  16. Perfection empowers dishonesty (failures, mistakes and weakness)
  17. ​​New self Honesty is not perfection
  18. ​​New self Honesty disempowers my imperfections
  19. God desire you to be honest not perfect
  20. Dishonesty empowers your imperfections
  21. ​​You can’t overcome what you never confront
  22. Are you ready for New beginnings?
  23. ​​You have to decide what area is God needing you to have new beginnings in your life… Health, wealth, careers, relationship, relationship with God??

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