11/12/23 New Self Respect: The Witness of God’s Testimony

Scripture: Acts 5:27-42
Preacher: Bro. Troy Tabor

  1. Life-Spirit
  2. Thoughts- Soul
  3. ​​Actions-Body
  4. Favor is based on Christ’s righteous
  5. ​​Isaiah 1:19
  6. When you are in God’s favor, you get a gift, dream, vision
  7. Proverbs 1:18
  8. The lame man was willing to change, but no one was willing to help him change
  9. ​​Until the disciples came and prayed for him
  10. How disrespectful they couldn’t say the name of Jesus
  11. ​​Blessing 1: New self respect gives you the freedom to submit to God’s authority with confidence as God’s witness
  12. ​​Blessing 2: God gives those who obey Him the Holy Spirit
  13. God will always come through for you
  14. ​​Blessing 3: Will protect your purpose with wise counsel
  15. ​​Blessing 4: You can rejoice for suffering persecution for Christ’s sake Matthew 5:10
  16. Blessing 5: God will give you power, passion, and purpose to preach and share the gospel effectively
  17. ​​Acts 1:8
  18. How do you respect God?
  19. By receiving HIs testimony and understanding the assignment

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